And Yours Is The Hand Of God

5 min readJul 28, 2021


Godly Affiliation is the art of working in line with the will of God. It is living in alignment to the mind of God.

Christianity is not a call to an idle party. Ours is a call to servitude and a life of sacrifice.

Right from creation, God has always served HIS people. The life of Jesus is nothing but a life of service.

According to Aristotle, the hand is the “tool of tools.” The hand of God is a phrase that when I hear, a lot of special thoughts run through my head. I’ve often wondered what it means to be moulded by the HANDS OF GOD. How Special!!!

God wanted a creation, a work of HIS hands that will be a typical identical of HIMSELF. With the coming of Jesus, it was all the more clearer that this identical nature we share transcends the physical. HE wants us to be and model EVERYTHING that HE is — Godly Affiliation.

The foremost thing the “Hand of God” phrase denotes for me is LOVE. The hand of God is the hand of love. Those loving hands give protection, justice, discipline, divine intervention, peace, provision, miracles and much more to HIS children.

Just as Jesus became the physical hands of God on earth, we are expected to reflect same in our daily lives and dealings with people around us.

How much love and good can we model with our own hands? This article is hoped to be a wakeup call to take up our daily crosses to the glory of God and the good of our neighbour.

It is a re-invitation to take up our tools and begin to till the ground in any area God has called us to get our hands dirty by serving.

I hear Christians who excuse lukewarmness and nonchalant attitudes in matters affecting and challenging the Christian faith by saying “allow God to fight His fight”. We tend to forget that HE already did HIS part 2000 years ago. And of course, HE still doesn’t appear to be on vacation either.

God can only fight HIS fight using the hands and minds of HIS people. Just like Moses, each one os us has been given a staff with which the migty works of God will be made manifest. It could be our talents, professions and abilities.

If God has to also do the little required of us, then of what use are we to HIS kingdom? Has HE not trained our hands for battle and our fingers for war? (Psalm 144:1)

The problem is that we do not understand the power we carry, our purpose and mandate. This is why we will be looking at the amazing wonders of the Hand of God in the scriptures, and also how we can emulate our creator and become HIS vessels in the world.

1. The Creation Story

In Genesis 2:7, we see how the hand of God formed man. Who are you forming with your own hands and your position? How much of a role model are you? What legacies are you laying down for your children, colleagues, subordinates and the generation after you?

Moving forward to Genesis 2:8, the Bible records that God planted the garden in Eden. What seeds are you planting in the lives of the people around you?

Jesus took after the profession of his earthly Father, Joseph. He was a carpenter. What skills are you impacting the world with?

In Psalm 90: 17 God promises to prosper “the work of your hands”. In other words, your hands must be busy for God to prosper them. We are expected to be productive with all that God has put in our hands.

See More: Anti-Laziness Quotes You Need To Know

2. Divine Intervention

The Hand Of God Saves Peter From Drowning

“He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how [strong] the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him…” — (Matthew 14: 29–31)

Here, we see God inviting Peter to walk on water with HIM. This reiterates that God indeed expects us to take after HIM- Walk, talk, live and do great things just like HE did.

God understands that this call would not always be smooth. That is why HE is always there, reaching for us when we slip. Jesus stretched out HIS hands to save Peter from drowning. HE still does same for us today. The question now is, who are you reaching out to with your good thoughts and acts of kindness?

3. Discipline

Jesus Loses Temper In The Temple

The hands of God prunes and corrects us when we go off track. How many times have we been indifferent towards erroneous standards, behaviours and teachings?

As much as we value peace, we also serve a God who does not sacrificing truth on the altar of peace.

4. Sacrifice

The Passion And Crucifixion

From the scourging, carrying of the cross and the piercing of HIS hands we see a passionate show of unequalled love for people who didn’t deserve it and would never deserve it.

How much can we sacrifice for the love of God and our neighbour? How far can we genuinely go for people who will never be able to reciprocate the favour?

With arms wide open on the cross, HE is ever ready to keep giving even as it hurts. Can we do this? Loving and giving till it hurts?

A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt and must empty ourselves — Mother Teresa.

AS replicated in the Holy Eucharist, Jesus empties himself in the simple forms of bread and wine.

Godly Affiliation means living your life in partnership with God. HE has called us to be HIS ambassadors- to live simple lives of love and service.

Featured Image Photo by Jade Scarlato on Unsplash




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