7 Things Every Millennial Teenager should know

5 min readJul 26, 2021


The teen ages is an interesting stage of life. Every millennial teenager should come to terms with the fact that it is an important developmental phase. This is the borderline between childhood and adulthood.

At this stage, we are almost as free as air in the way we think and act. Nonetheless, it is the stage of self-discovery; a core stage of formation.

Young people are the most important asset of every society/nation. Logically speaking, and all things being equal, they will be around for much longer to take over the mantle of leadership. Hence, their mind-sets and character formation matter a great deal.

From the spiritual to the real life perspective. Here are a number of habits that can prepare millennial youths for posterity sake:

1. Prioritize God (Faith Matters)

Nothing powers all we do more than our beliefs. Your belief shapes your path in life.

The world has changed so much. Life is not that innocent anymore. It is not as fair as it used to be. Your best bet is acknowledging the Lord your God, and maker as you journey through these uncertain times.

It sure will do every millennial teenager a whole lot of good to keep in touch with God. Today, most teenagers find the God topic archaic, boring and irrelevant. I believe this is where role modelling comes in. If parents and guardians take up their position of faith, it will tell on the children. This is because they would have experienced first-hand the goodness of God in the family.

Those who have dared to establish a relationship with God can tell better that there is no fear, no shame and no loss in making God the first and the centre of all that we do.

Parents should teach their teens never to be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; because therein, lies life. Living in alignment to our owner’s manual, the WORD of God is the ultimate wisdom and guide for life.

2. Knowledge Of Self

It is rather ironic that youngsters of our time are knowledgeable about a whole lot but themselves. That is why they are quick with trends and popular culture.

The first port of identification as a human being is the fact that we bear the image of God. We carry in us, the fullness of God’s glory. Each one of us have been crafted to suit a specific purpose in this life. Teens must be able to celebrate and appreciate their uniqueness.

With the fast paced technology and knowledge, the 21st century teenager finds it hard to comprehend life. Not that anyone fully can, but they lack a substantial knowledge of how life truly works.

Being a young child at this time comes with a whole lot of pressure. Almost every millennial teenager you know battles with internal and external noises. Peer/social media pressures worsens the case.

It is not cool that everyone wants to be like everyone else. It is imperative that teenagers are guided through the aspect of studying themselves, figuring out their personalities and working with that uniqueness.

3. Willingness To Serve (Humility)

The moment you begin to study yourself, you will come to the profound realization that your life is not yours alone. You do not exist in space. We live to improve and grow each other, to fill up loop holes in humanity.

Everybody wants to be the boss. Everybody wants to be served and be validated by public applauses and ovations. This has given rise to the attitude of self-entitlement. The growing rate of narcissism as perceived in the world today can only be curbed when formators — parents, teachers- make the conscious effort to engage teenagers in random acts of kindness and charity projects.

See More: Peer Influence: Choosing Your Inner Circle Wisely

4. Personal Development

It is often said that the solutions to all of the world’s problems is seated in the minds of people. Sadly, the case is sometimes the lack of skills to bring forth these solutions to life.

Being pro-active and productive is the newest and best creed for success.

Understanding that you have talents, something to offer the world. Something unique and impactful. Not necessarily the Idol or celebrity dream, life is way beyond that.

5. Simple Courtesy Still Counts

You remember such words as “Thank You”, “Excuse me”, “Please”? They still matter. “Good Morning Sir”? “Good Morning Ma’am”? These simple expressions continue to be a sign of how cultured a person is.

6. Failure Is Part of Life

Growing up I feared failing. And I know many still battle with this fear. I had before and around me people who have set a pace for success. So failing was not an option. That regardless, sometimes I found myself below what I had convinced myself was the benchmark for success. This will leave me depressed. For a long time, the fear of failure kept me from daring, growing and loving my “IMPERFECT” self. Little did I know that beneath the highlight reels of the successful people that I idolised was a springboard of multiple failures.

Life is not always a smooth and happy ride. Every millennial teenager must understand this; and learn to be fair and less critical of themselves. Whenever you fall below par, learn from your mistakes and NEVER get tired of trying again. DO NOT FEAR FAILURE.

7. Freedom Comes With Consequences

The principle of cause and effect seems like a myth. Likewise the principle of sowing and reaping. On the other side of freedom is consequence.

That is why the Bible encourages youths to enjoy their lives but be cautious of consequences.

Rejoice, O youth, while you are young and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart, the vision of your eyes; Yet understand regarding all this that God will bring you to judgment -Ecclesiastes 11:9

In the same way, the scriptures encourages us to serve the Lord our God in our youth.




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