7 Good Reasons Why We Must Pray

4 min readSep 1, 2021


Why must we pray?

God is omniscient and all powerful. HE knows everything and has the power to change everything. Yet the Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

This shows us the importance of spending time with God in prayer. Prayer is not always when we table our list of requests. It is a special time of intimate communication with God.

Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray always in the spirit. So if you’ve wondered why we must pray, the reason is to nurture the bond we have with God. To consciously choose to be inseparable from God.

So do we spend an entire day in prayer at the expense of other daily duties? NO. Praying always and in spirit means to have the self-awareness and consciousness that God is always with us.

We call HIM EMMANUEL. It’s like having a loved one who devotes time to be with you, even as you attend to your business. My guess is that you would not ignore him/her. It would be rude and offensive to act like they are not there.

If we have this understanding, then prayer would not be the rigid, boring chore that we sometimes assume it is. Prayer must not always have a formal setting. You can actually convert your daily tasks to prayer by seeing God in it; and dedicating it to HIM. Doing your work diligently in a way that pleases God and man can also be a form of prayer.

A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. We must pray because it is a crucial part living out our faith. Jesus who was the son of God lived a prayerful life throughout his time on earth, and as believers we are to model him.

Ignoring the importance of prayer in our lives is a risky venture. In such a time as this, that is how and where we draw strength and access divine authority to conquer all that life throws at us.

Here are 6 important reasons why we must pray

1. To Build A Relationship

Just like all forms of partnership and relationship, communication is key. It is in the communication between partners that the way forward is discussed and determined. So it is with God. Consistent communication in our personal walk with God is important.

Prayer helps us connect with God like a parent bonds with a child. Let’s see it like a spiritual hang out with God. As we share thoughts and ideas with friends, same happens when we spend time with God in prayer.

Prayer is a divine invitation to personalise your relationship with the maker of the universe. As many who have acknowledged this prioritize reverencing and thanking HIM at this time. God wants us to freely choose to make HIM a part of our lives.

2. To Make Our Requests Known

In prayer we approach the maker of all things to make supplications. It is a sort of humility test for Christians. God knows your (known and unknown) needs even before you utter them in prayer.

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus — Philippians 4:6–7

We should speak to HIM freely, simply and as sincerely as possible. The reward for this is peace and assurance that HE will never fail.

See More: 4 Discernment Basics To Know God’s Plan

3. To Know The Mind Of God

By meditation or Bible Study, the mind of God is revealed to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Discernment is often made possible in the place of prayer. Romans 8:26 reveals to us that the Holy Spirit prays for us and through us by way of wordless groans.

So when you pray, know that you are not alone. There’s help right there with you. And even in moments when it’s all jumbled up in our heads, the Holy Spirit is always present to assist us to pray and hear from God as well.

4. Spiritual Strength And Alertness

As the world changes right before our eyes with all unpredictable twists, Christians find their strength in prayer. Prayer gives you the confidence to go through hard times, knowing that God’s got your back.

Consistency in prayer keeps you spiritually alert. A genuinely prayerful Christian through prayer is able to detect the schemes and wiles of the devil.

With every encounter with God in prayer, the spirit of God takes up more room in you. You decrease and God increases. This makes it possible to get spiritual prompts when evil looms around you.

5. To Ward Off Dark Arrows

As much as a devout prayer life helps you discern the spiritual atmosphere around you, it also keeps you safe from the plans of the enemy. It serves as a powerful weapon and a shield in times of spiritual warfare.

Strongholds break when we pray.

6. Divine Knowledge And Enlightenment

Moses is attributed to have written the first five books of the Bible. I’ve often wondered how he was able to narrate the creation story when evidently only God could have those details.

In Exodus, the Bible records that Moses had more personal encounters with God than any other in the Old Testament. At some point he spent 40 days with God at Mount Sinai. It is not strange that God revealed the creation story to him in one of the many encounters.

Also remember that the Israelites could not stand the brightness of Moses’ face after seeing God.

These are the spiritual benefits we enjoy when we spend quality time with God in prayer.

7. To Heal Our Brokenness

Prayer helps us heal from the bruises of life. Our situations change for the better when we constantly meet up with God in that secret place.




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