6 Insightful Healing Facts You Should Know

4 min readJul 8, 2021


At some point, we have all had some health challenges, no matter how small. As believers, our father God knows that we will face these challenges and has made it possible for us to receive healing from him.

Even with the best medical attention in the world, the truth remains that the affliction that comes with sickness doesn’t make anyone comfortable. It can be quite distressing.

Healing is something everyone needs at some point whether for yourself, a friend, family member or a stranger.

For the record, healing is not limited to the physical but to spiritual, mental and emotional aspects as well.

Let’s take a look at some of these insightful healing facts everyone of us should know:

1. Healing Is Available

What every Christian should know is that Jesus did not only save us from sin, but His sufferings and death also provided healing for our mortal being.

Before the coming of Jesus, Prophet Isaiah described the sufferings of Jesus Christ and the Glory that would follow.

Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed — Isaiah 53:4–5.

He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed — 1 Peter 2:24.

It will therefore mean that Jesus has paid the price for our sins. HE has brought us freedom and healing from all that burdens us. It is left for us to accept this already finished works of Jesus.

2. The Word Is Alive And Active

Healing happens in God’s time. However, while we wait, renewing and refreshing our minds with the word of God is totally worth it.

There is rarely any healing Jesus did in the Bible that did not come about through and by HIS POWERFUL UTTERANCES. The word of God is life. Never forget it was the same very word that fixed up the entire universe.

You can hardly go wrong praying, meditating and believing in the words of Jesus HIMSELF.

Listening to word-powered and motivational audios will do you good at this time. Speak the words of Jesus into the areas of your life that you need healing.

3. Reach Out To Your Power Circle

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven — James 5:14–15.

It could be a circle of family members, friends or a spiritual mentor. Their faith and prayers will be helpful to you at this time.

The Bible says the prayers of the righteous availeth much.

4. Trust The Process

Healing is not always an overnight affair. This is not to limit the power of God because HE can instantly grant us the healing we sick.

Generally speaking, be it medically or otherwise, your belief and optimism for the best at the end of the day is a super advantage. Trust that the medical team, counsellors, physiotherapists and other healing personalities assisting you in this journey are instruments of God. They are gifts of God to us.

This too shall pass… And in praise will it end!

5. His Will Be Done

Do your part and let God have HIS way. When you’ve done the best that you can, open up and let God do the rest. HE alone knows the reason and wisdom behind what you are going through.

Be patient, in time, your wounds will heal.

Let this always be our Prayer in all circumstances, “Let your will be done”.

6. Choose To Be Happy

Regardless of what ails your mind, heart and body, choose to bask in the joy of the Lord. Let HIS joy be your strength. Focus less on the negative reports and the hurts. Do something you love on purpose- sing, dance, call a loved one, see a movie with your family, exercise, feel and enjoy the air.

Find joy again in little things. Just learn to relax and enjoy every beautiful day of your life. Sometimes healing happens when you are not looking.




DeeperPlaces is a Christian culture and lifestyle blog. We intend to be your go-to place when in need of a lift, motivation and inspiration.