5 Good Reasons Why You Should Never Be Afraid

4 min readJun 23, 2021


At some point in all our lives, life presents one or more reasons for us to be afraid. Even when our reasons for entertaining fear may not make so much sense to others, we can’t just help it.

If you are in this state, I want you to know that it is normal. Humans are wired to worry naturally. It’s our brain’s way of dealing with perceived threats.

But remaining in a state were you continuously entertain fear is not the best, because it takes away your boldness and may make you less resourceful.

So, when life throws so many reasons to be afraid at you, respond with reminding yourself the reasons why you should not be afraid.

Here are 4 reasons why you should not be afraid:

1. God’s Plans Are All Good

Before creating any man, God already has plans for them, he is not unaware of the existence and current situation of any man on earth, knowing that God has you in mind is one of the major reasons why you should not be afraid.

For I know well the plans I have in mind for you — oracle of the Lord — plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope — Jeremiah 29:11.

This verse reveals that God does not just have you in mind but also has good plans for you. He has actually taken care of the future. For sure we know God’s plans are never evil but good.

A good demonstration of God’s good will towards man is by sending his son ‘Jesus’ to die on our behalf to give us access to eternal life. Aside from your eternity, God has also put things in place to help man love comfortably on earth.

2. Know Who You Are

Did you notice in the above verse, Jeremiah 29:11, that God addressed YOU as an “oracle”?

It is important as it is powerful that you know who you are. Know your Father in Heaven and the power that you carry as the child of the Most High God.

Of course we all can’t be on top of the faith game all the time, but let the knowledge of who you live for guard and guide your heart and all you do in times of trial. Rather than being afraid, fix your mind and confidence on the God who does not fail.

See More: The Amazing Wonders Of Your Personal Bible Study

3. You Have Power In The Name

According to Philippians 2:8–11, we are privileged to know and say the name of JESUS.

Our authority is in the name of Jesus. By this name, the name above every other name, we find strength and conquer.

It is popularly said that when fear knocks, you send faith to open the door. In this case, you should address your fears in the name of Jesus. Sometimes we the name so casually that we forget the power we have on lips to tear down walls and redirect arrows of the enemy.

Give the name of Jesus a special place in your heart. If holding on to the name of “JESUS” is all the prayer you say when faced with trials, trust me, IT IS ENOUGH!

4. God Is Near

Do you know you have a helper who you can trust? An ever present help in time of trouble?

We have a helper in the HOLY SPIRIT. The Lord and spirit of LIGHT. Fear makes every corner of our mind dark and heavy.

But when the spirit comes, it dispels every darkness and gives you the boldness to enjoy your life. HE comforts us, counsels us and directs our paths.

Often we fail to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is God and has remained with us since the ascension of Jesus. The Pentecost experience still replicates itself to them that believe and dispose themselves to the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Every believer needs the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us scale up our lives as Christians.

5. Why Fear When You Can Pray

If you can afford to spend time and energy to panic, you can as well invest them in prayer.

Form a habit of facing your fears on your knees, in prayer. Spend quality time in the word of God. Never forget, the WORD is GOD himself. Philippians 4: 6–7, encourages us to hand over to God and embrace peace.

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Thankfully give it all to God in prayer. It is not the will of God for you to go through this life anxious or fearful. HE wants the very best for you.




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